Hello, welcome to a book.

“The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think” —Edwin Schlossberg

We believe that the web's words are thought-provoking, but its context is not. We've all bookmarked articles and saved links, only to forget them in the endless deluge of the internet.

That's why we're making a book. A real-world, tangible, annotatable, throwable, shareable book. Collaborating with authors worldwide, we're exploring how to live the good life. Rather than weaving a tapestry from scratch, this book embraces building on others' thinking on the subjects below.

Think of it as an anthology—or better yet, a quilt. Short and medium-form essays from various authors will serve as patches, with gentle transitions stitching the pieces together.

This website is our attempt to write the book in public. We hope that for readers, this is revealing, and for authors, comforting.